Code: Total Drama Reality Wiki

History: Chris McLean’s cousin and the producer in charge of the Total Drama studio hosting Total Drama Reality Carlos was put in charge by the executive producer after watching Chris’ treatment of the cast and finding out that he had been using the funds that were meant to look after cast for himself. At one point in his life Carlos served in the military and is heavy weight fighter which makes him skilled in hand to hand combat. He is also married to a woman named Melissa and has triplets.

Personality: Unlike Chris Carlos makes sure to keep an eye on the cast’s health since the show had been sued several times by unhappy parents due to Chris’ callous treatment. He is sometimes prone to acts of violence and intimidation when he tries to secure contracts for his cousin, often hanging people upside down until they comply-and having rather disastrous results on part of cheaply made clothing or large amount of sweat. He is not fond of his cousin and takes joy in tormenting him when given the chance, and has gone as far as to keep a restraining order against him while representing his three children in court. He has supposedly threatened his own step mother also. Despite this, Carlos is often a responsible worker in the studio and can fix most of the messes that Chris causes with his antics.
